- Specifications:Highly responsive to smoldering fires Comes supplied with battery Test button includes a Hush Feature for false alarms Low battery warning LED VdS approved to BS EN 14604:2005 Meets ISO 9001:2000 standards
How to Use:
- Always place smoke detectors 30cm away from any wall/corners Ideally placed near entrances to allow for easier escape
Care Tips:
- Test the alarm once in a month to ensure continued functionality Use a narrow nozzle vacuum cleaner to rid the smoke alarm of dust and cobwebs Cover the smoke alarm during renovation to avoid dust clogs
Technical Specifications:
- Supply Type: Optical Chamber
- Battery: 3V Lithium Battery (non replaceable)
- Sound Level: 85 dB(A) at 3 metres
- Temperature: Operating -0 to 40°C
- Storage: 0 to 35°C (in a dry area)
- Humidity Range: 15% to 95% R.H. non condensing
- Button Test: Simulates the effect of smoke and checks chamber, electronics and horn
- Plastic Material: UL 94 HB
- Dimensions: Product – 115mm(D) x 50mm(H)
- Weight: 185g
- Dust Compensation technology (compensates for dust contamination or buildup while maintaining its sensitivity to smoke.)