Goo Gone Coffee Maker Cleaner 8fl oz Odorless and biodegradable, Goo Gone Coffee Maker Cleaner safely removes residue in no time. Perfect for cleaning: Espresso machines, automatic drip and single-serve coffee makers Safe to use on Glass, Metal, Plastic Directions: Solution Ratio 16 fl. oz. cold water, 1 fl. oz. Goo Gone Coffee Maker Cleaner Always follow appliance manufacturer’s instructions and precautions. For Automatic Drip and Espresso Machines
- Follow the above solution ratio. Add water and solution to the water reservoir and run the brewing cycle.
- Dispose of cycled solution down the sink drain and rinse sink.
- Rinse the machine by filling water reservoir with cold water and running the brewing cycle. Dispose of water down the sink drain.
- Remove any water or carbon filters from the reservoir. Follow the above solution ratio. Add water and solution to the reservoir.
- Place a cup in the drip tray and run the brewing cycle. Dispose of cycled solution down the sink drain and rinse sink.
- Repeat brewing cycles until reservoir is empty.
- Rinse the machine by filling water reservoir with cold water and running the brewing cycle. Dispose of water down the sink drain.
- Member Price:
- $12.30