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Simple Green Industrial Core Concentrate 24oz

Simple Green

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Simple Green Industrial Core Concentrate 24oz

An EPA Safer Choice Certified alternative to caustic or acidic cleaners, bleaches, and solvents. This concentrated formula cleans and degreases without abrasive chemicals. Removes dirt, grease, oil, and stains from all washable surfaces.

  • Industrial strength cleaning and degreasing
  • Recognized by the U.S. EPA's Safer Choice Program
  • Cleans counters, carpet, floors, machines, equipment and vehicles
  • Cost-effective concentrated formula
  • Can be used manually or with professional cleaning equipment
  • Versatile formula ideal for a wide range of industries
  • Rinses easily without leaving a residue
  • Complies with the most restrictive volatile organic compound laws


How to use:

Can be used full-strength or in various dilutions with ambient water to replace most general and specialized cleaners, detergents, solvents, and degreasers.


Heavy Cleaning

Thick grease, oil, carbon & soot, baked-on soils, tough soils lodged in porous surfaces: Full-Strength to 10 Parts Water

Medium Cleaning

Greases & oils, most metal working fluids, hydraulic fluids, dirt, grime, food residue: 10-30 Parts Water

Light Cleaning

Dusts, particulates, very light oils: 30+ Parts Water

Mechanical Assistance

Scrubbing, brushing, pressure, steam, heat, air agitation, etc.: 20-30 Parts Water

